So...you are interested in Huna, in the Ancient
Shamanistic and Healing Arts of Hawai'i. Then
here are the first 2 secrets you need to know. In this
school we don't talk about Magic we DO
real Magic. The second secret is that before you learn
to do real Magic you need to go through a thorough study
of the Mind of Man, because as Dion Fortune said, "The
Mind of Man and the Mind of God are one in the same."
NLP is that study of the Mind. That is why all our Huna
students are required as they go along the path to study
NLP up to the Master Practitioner Level...It's the first

Aloha, these Huna Web Pages have
a special purpose, and that is to invite you to be a part of the
Shamanic resurgence that is sweeping the planet. Whether you call it
Magic or Magick, or ancient teaching...in case you hadn't
noticed, there is a great rekindling of the fires spirituality that lit the ways for the peoples of the earth
centuries ago. This is beyond NLP and Hypnosis and delves into the
realm of spirit.
Just stop for a moment and ask
yourself, "What am I doing here?" No, not on the web, but on the
planet! Perhaps it is to return to spirit!
Huna is the word for this teaching in Hawai'i, and the Kahuna
knew that...
"The only way you can have your life exactly the way you want it, is
to be connected to Spirit." There are many esoteric paths, there are
many teachers, and many ways to the light. Ultimately they all lead to
the same place within you, to the great light, which is the source of
consciousness. Know this -- all the ancient teachings are One. In
seeking the ancient way look for the similarities NOT the differences.
As a true student of Huna...one would know that:
Huna says, "A Ohe Pau Ko Ike I Kou Halau"...think not that all wisdom
is in your school.
Huna is about empowerment, about increasing your spirituality, energy
and metaphysical healing powers. What if you could experience and
connect physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually with a Higher
Power that can bring into your life whatever you desire.
With Huna, you can, in fact, have all that .Would it be of any value to
you? Think of it for a moment...
Now imagine that you could connect so completely with the Higher Power
that you
could have access to it at anywhere, any time you want... What
would this do for
your life?
Huna is all about your empowerment using magical means. Read on, to find out more...
Interested in the difference between Huna and NLP? Then try today NLP Training ?