General info Lineage What is Huna Meditation Chanting Symbols

Contact Us: Who to call, who to email...

The list below is for our major staff members. Just email us or call if you want to talk
to a live person.

Our Offices are Located at:

USA: The Tad James Companies, LLC
1450 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy #B304-544, Henderson, NV 89012
US Office: +1-888-440-4823
US Office from Outside the US: +1-
702 440-4823
+1-702 474-4823

USA: American Board of Hypnotherapy, American Board of NLP, Time Line Therapy Association
P.O. Box 531605, Henderson, NV 89053 USA 
US Office: 1-888-823-4823
US Office from Outside the US: +1-888-823-4823

Email: Candace Valdez

Australia: The Tad James Company, Australia
81 Macleay Street, #304, Potts Point, NSW 2011 Australia 1-800-133-433
Australia Office From Australia ONLY: 1800–133–433
Australia Office: +612 9221 9221
Fax: +612 9221 7117
Email: Bogdan Bobocea, General Manager

Email: Conor Healy, Sales Manager

Click here to enroll in any of our trainings.

From time to time seminars and trainings may have times and dates that change due to circumstances beyond our control. If you want to attend a certain seminar and the date is very close to now, it would be best if you called us to book a space in the seminar. Sometimes, people just show up, and while we always welcome them, if the time or venue has changed, they are happier if they called us first.

Copyright © Tad James Co, 2005-11 General Information | Lineage | What is Huna | Meditation | Chanting | Symbols