General info Lineage What is Huna Meditation Chanting Symbols

If you wish to enroll in a training or seminar please call our office at:

US +1-888-440-4823
AU 1800-133-433
You may fax us at 1-702-474-4823

From time to time seminars and trainings may have times and dates that change due to circumstances beyond our control. If you want to attend a certain seminar and the date is very close to now, it would be best if you booked a space in the seminar. Sometimes, people just show up, and while we always welcome them, if the time or venue has changed, they are happier if they called us first:

OR: You can just enroll using the form below. Make sure you include your phone number and we will call you back to discuss the training that is right for you.

If you wish, you can email us and we will send you or call you with the information to make sure you are enrolled in the right training or seminar for you.

Please provide the following contact information:

  • Please provide the following contact information:

    * Name
    Street Address
    Address (cont.)
    Zip/Postal Code
    * Work Phone
    * Home Phone
    * E-mail
  • Select any of the seminars or trainings you are interested in:
    The Secret of Creating Your Future Seminar with Huna Introduction
    Huna Intensive Seminar Sedona, Arizona

  • Other comments or instructions ... ?


Click here to:
Read Chapter 1 of The Lost Secrets of Ancient Hawaiian Huna, Volume 1

See Pictures of the Huna Intensive.
Find out when our next training is: Schedule of Events

If you can't join us in person, you can find Huna training on tape. This is an excellent resource for review or preparation for any of our Huna trainings: Huna: Exploring the Ancient Wisdom


Copyright © Tad James Co, 2005-11 General Information | Lineage | What is Huna | Meditation | Chanting | Symbols